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A member registered Aug 23, 2022

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If you defeat any wolf by teasing them, your reputation increases, including the Alpha

Is the underground path cleared? Also, the plate thing is WIP, so you won't be able to complete it for the moment.

When you go in the wolf's den (forest) at night, you'll find a spot with an exclamation point. This is the Alpha Werewolf, defeat him to get Alpha male fluids.

Nope! Just to craft the garden itself. The plants grow by themselves, you just have to wait.

Swamp is accessible on day 10, what day are you on?

You build his house during the Bareshade Expansion event, so if you didn't do it yet, stop looking. Did you try meeting him on the track maybe?

(1 edit)

No updates until the end of september, Hyao took a small break this month

You're in the wrong place, get out of the part where you can explore the junkyard. When you have the option to 'Pay a visit to the Rat King', click 'Go down the underground tunnel', then click 'Clear the path'. Get a few energy drinks 'cause you'll get tired a bunch of times. Continue until the path is clear, you should be able to go to the jungle.